Day: August 31, 2023

Smart Homes, Smarter Investments: The Intersection of Technology and Real Estate

Introduction Technology integration and automation are transforming homes into intelligent, connected, and convenient smart homes. For real estate investors and professionals, this innovation presents new opportunities to add value and generate stronger returns. n this article, Dr. Nihar Gala will explores the profitable intersection of technology and real estate. Enhancing Properties with Smart Features Integrating smart home […]

Sustainable Real Estate: Building for a Greener and More Efficient Future

Introduction Sustainability is transforming the real estate landscape as developers, investors, and property managers embrace greener, more efficient buildings. Implementing sustainable design and operations strategies has become a smart path forward for the industry. n this article, Dr. Nihar Gala will explore key trends in sustainable real estate. Adopting Energy Efficient Systems From HVAC to appliances, lighting, […]